Author’s Night: Shannon Reber
Library Events
Tuesday, February 1st @ 6p.m.
Shannon Reber
Shannon, a writer of young adult fantasy fiction, has published fifty-five titles on Amazon, and another fifteen titles on Audible will be our guest speaker for Author’s Night.
Ms. Reber operates Genres Bookstore in the YWCA in Westfield, New York, where her books as well as other local authors and thousands of new and used books are available.
She will be accompanied by Joseph Sweeney as narrator for The Light Bearer series via a Zoom presentation.
Upcoming Events
10:30 am Event: Stay and Play
Event: Stay and Play
Apr 1 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Open to all children ages newborn to 3 years old. Parents /Caregivers must remain with the child at all times. Great socialization for babies and adults. Refreshments will be served.
10:30 am Event: Armchair exercises
Event: Armchair exercises
Apr 2 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Armchair Exercises are conducted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:30 am. Join us by the library’s big screen tv, and YouTube will guide us through our exercises! See you there!
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